Mother’s Day Recipes

Are you having thoughts about what kind of recipes to create for mother’s day? Look no further my beautiful friends because here are some inspiration for you.

With mother’s day around the corner, I thought I’d share some glorious ideas that would encourage you folks to get into your kitchen and get baking. They can multiply serve as appetizers and/or dessert.

I had the idea to create brownies from whoppers chocolate, and eggs, they however turned to caramel brown candy barks. My initial mistake making this was cracking the egg into hot melted chocolate which turned into fried egg almost immediately but as I added water and continued to stir until the egg and chocolate had blended together it became pretty cool. The instructions to make them are as follows:


Weblike Caramel Brown Candy Barks


1 egg

2-3 icecream scoop spoonful of water

3/4 Package of whoppers chocolate



Melt out whoppers chocolate on medium heat and add water to lighten texture

Crack egg and stir

Bake at 350*F for 17 minutes

Allow to cool and break it all out however you want.


I also had the idea to create biscuits made from red color like berries ie strawberries and raspberries.

Processed with VSCO with c1 preset

Red Color Like Biscuits


Store bought already made biscuit mix

5 frozen Berries



Follow instructions on packaging of biscuit mix on how they should be prepared .

Add 1 or 2 berries into the center of each dough you make

Thaw out 2 berries and mash them up

Instructions on how to bake are also provided on the packaging but they go in at 425 F for 16 minutes.

Allow to cool once baked

Spread the mashed berries on baked biscuits for some extra tanginess and Enjoy!


I hope you try this for mother’s day and leave me comments as to how it all went. Have a great one.

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